Sad about Jessie's puppies
Two of Jessie's dogs had litters in the past three weeks. It has been one thing after another for Jessie and the family. First, as I had posted, Oreo was killed by one of the mothers. Now, the other dam, Diva, has lost 4 puppies to "fading puppy syndrome." There aren 4 left, but they are very weak. Jessie has been taking care ofn them 24/7. She called me yesterday wondering if she was doing the right thing keeping them alive. They are very frail, and almost skeletal. I can't give advice on that, but I feel so bad for her. She even tried to put a pillow over one of them to put it out, but it struggled, and she was crushed that she had done that to a living thing. She doesn't know if it is fair to keep them alive if they are suffering. Steve is religious, and feels that it is in God's hands. I think that it is wonderful to be so certain and to have such faith. I have put animals to sleep when I felt that they were suffering too much. I also never wanted Jessie to come home from school to a cat who had passed. One of Princess' pups died also, but it was the runt, and just not thriving well. Her others are strong and healthy.
I have not been over there. I must apologize to her, again. I just cannot see those poor little pups. She knows how I am, and is not telling me all of what they are going through. I feel guilty, but am not strong like that. I did tell her that I would come if she needed me though.
Poor Jessie. She told me yesterday she would love to just come over here and put her head in my lap and cry.