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Old 11-29-2009, 02:20 PM   #1
Donating 4WT Yakker
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Today is Gary's birthday

He's 61. I baked him his favorite cake, Italian Cream Cake with cream cheese icing. It's a darned hard cake to make - why can't Duncan Hinz box cake be his favorite!

I have his favorite dinner in the oven, chicken fried steak. I'll also fix mashed potatoes, corn and gravy.

Right now, he's sleeping in the chair. He just got home from the deer lease - they saw a few deer, but (thankfully) didn't shoot anything!

I bought him the new computer last month, so I only got him a digital money jar as a present to unwrap. He always throws his change into a big jar and then spends hours sorting and counting the money when it is full. This jar counts it as you drop it in and keeps the total. I think he'll think that's cool!
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