Mom Passed Out
It has been a very stressful day today. About 9 this morning my older brother called and said Mom had passed out by her car and was outside for about 30 minutes. Ambulance was I told him I was on my way. Rick was gone so Ricky wanted to drive me.
Mom had gotten up and was feeling just fine. She took her shower and when she was getting dressed for church...she felt a little 'strange'. That was the best she could describe it.
She felt better after a few minutes so went outside to start her car. The temp was around 18 degrees and her car door lock was frozen. She sprayed the de-icer on it, was able to get in and then started her car. While the car was warming up some, she sprayed de-icer on the windows. By the time she got done, her door was frozen shut again.
Two next door neighbor boys were out so she asked if they could help her. The neighbor across the street saw Mom and the two guys at Mom's car and told his house partner that something wasn't right. About that time he saw Mom go to the ground.
He told his partner to call 911 and he went running over to help Mom. They are very fond of her. They got her up off the cold ground and then helped her to sit in the swing on her porch. Her house keys were in the car, car was frozen shut so the neighbor called my brother who lives just a couple blocks away.
The ambulance arrived and checked Mom out. She refused to go to the hospital. By the time I got to Mom's the EMT's were gone and Mom was sitting in her recliner and my brother Jerry on the couch. I was so worried for her. I finally talked her into letting me take her to the Dr. He checked her out but was concerned because everything 'seemed' to be okay, but knew there had to be a reason for her to pass out. He thought it would be best if she went to the ER.
Mom didn't really want to go, but said she'd do whatever I wanted...she knew I was worried. So....I took her to the ER. They drew blood, took x-rays, did a blood culture and a couple more things. Nothing really serious could be found but the Dr wanted to admit her. She said NO, that she wanted to get home so she could watch the Colts football game...LOL. The whole time they were waiting on the test results....the ER Dr. kept Mom informed of how the team was doing....Colts won.
When we were leaving the was a little after 2:00 PM and Mom said she was hungry so we went to a Chinese restaurant. While sitting in the parking lot before we went in my brother called and asked how Mom was. I told him we were sitting in the parking lot of the Chinese restaurant and he just laughed and laughed. If you all knew my Mom and some of you probably think you know her as many times as I've posted about'd know this is so typical of Mom. Scare us half to death and then want to go eat....LOL.
After our dining, I took Mom home and waited until she got into her house dress (nightgown) and got comfortable. I was still a little nervous about leaving her but she assured me she would be okay. I finally went home around 4:30 PM.
The only thing the Dr. thinks could have happened besides mothers age and health issues is her body may have been stressed due to the cold weather and then her internal stress of worrying about getting to church on time.
I am so thankful for the two guys that tried to help Mom get into her car and for the neighbor across the street that actually saw her pass out. Right now...the only visual mark is a bruise on her nose. We think she hit her nose on the car door on her way down when she passed out.
I'm sorry this is so long, but didn't know how to shorten it. Please keep my Mom in your prayers. I do not want her going to Florida, but she's going anyway. I'm so afraid that if she goes....I'll never see her alive again.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1