Thread: Paypal?
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Old 10-26-2006, 01:12 PM   #2
4WT 500 Club Member
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How long ago did you register for PayPal? Do you remember that there were 3 different types of Paypal accounts you could have? The basic was just to send money from a checking account but not receive money, the second level was to send money from checking account or credit card but not receive money and the third account type was send money AND also receive money. If you don't have the specific account type that you have to have to receive the money, then you can't receive money. I am pretty sure ALL of the account types are free. I am sure if you went to you could change your account type or sign up for the type required to receive money.

Can't wait to see the things that you are selling!!!!!!!! EXCITING!
"To whom much is given, much is expected." ~Luke 12:48
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