Dear Haley,
I looked at the academic literature and there are not a lot of studies of chiropractic care for ear infections in children, but there are some. I've included the references below. I got them from a review article that looked at the results of the studies below. The review article was in the THE JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE which is a respected journal that publishes good research. The conclusion was that, while the results are tentative because there is not very much research on the topic, the results are promising in that it helps. It's a sure bet that traditional medicine is not helping Micah.
So, bottom line, chiropractic care for ear infection in children is not quackery. It is an established protocol and I would definitely give it a shot with Micah. The problem is that insurance often will not cover chiropractic care and although, it is not expensive, it does add up. Money is really not the issue though, if it will help!
I've included the study citations here, just in case someone wants to look them up.
Peet J. Case study: Chiropractic results with a child with re-
curring otitis media accompanied by effusion. Chiropr Pedi-
atr 1996;2:8–10.
Phillips N. Vertebral subluxation and otitis media: A case
study. J Chiro Res Clin Inv 1992;8:38–39.
Thomas D. Irritable child with chronic ear effusion/infections
responds to chiropractic care. Chiropr Pediatr 1997;3:13–14.
Fallon JM. The role of the chiropractic adjustment in the care
and treatment of 332 children with otitis media. J Clin Chi-
ropr Pediatr 1997;2:167–183.
Froehle RM. Ear infection: A retrospective study examining
improvement from chiropractic care and analyzing for influ-
encing factors. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1996;19:169–177.
Fysh PN. Chronic recurrent otitis media: Case series of five
patients with recommendations for case management. J Clin
Chiropr Pediatr 1996;1:66–78.
Sawyer CE, Evans RL, Boline PD, et al. A feasibility study
of chiropractic spinal manipulation versus sham spinal ma-
nipulation for chronic otitis media with effusion in children.
J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1999;22:292–298.81. Cronin P. Cervicogenic vertigo. Eur J Chiropr 1997;45: