Originally Posted by Willow
So I don't know WHY but my husband has a burr up his ass for some reason and this morning he told me my dogs have to go  EXCUSE ME???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told him my dogs STAY and he can go. He said he is sick and tired of waking up in the morning and seeing their accidents. I already told him I will buy a crate and start crating them at night. He is also tired of them jumping in the bed at night and he told me either they go or he goes. My reply? "Don't let the door hit ya."
Then he said when I bring Maddie home she will not be allowed in the house...Um...yeah right! I told him since I am the one who paid for the place then it is what I say goes. He even tossed Gizmo outside this morning, and I do mean tossed!  I ran out there and brought her back in and he tried to catch her to put her back out but I blocked his way and refused to allow him to. He said she is his dog and he is going to give her away.  I said fine, she is mine now.
So he is sitting on the couch pouting now. There has to be more to this than the dogs getting on his nerves, but he has me so pissed right now that I told him as soon as I find a place me and the dogs and the kids will be moving and his reply was "Good."
So sorry you're going through a rough time, but I would do the same thing. Not that I'm condoning it, I just love my babies more....Maybe once he cools down or the burr up his a$$ is unlodged, you both can get to the root of the problem.
Also, you said in your post that you paid for the place....if anyone leaves...he should.