Thread: Picking up...
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Old 10-29-2006, 09:45 AM   #8
Taurus Babe
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I'm baacckkk!!

Well, I tool him to the airport this morning, after an amazing past 11 days!! This guy is the love of my life and is soo sweet and romantic in everyway you could ever imagine! He took me on hot dates, we went ice skating, saw a hockey game, took longs walks, among a ton of other great things, he always, always has something nice and sweet to say and likes Thor (my doggie) and Thor adores him!! Anyways, I could go on, but I'll spare ya'll the details. I'm so super depressed right now. I don't want to do anything thing except curl up in a ball and sleep! I alread miss him SOOOO much. He's flying back down for Thanksgiving though! Yea! Anyways, thanks for listening to me blab...I'm happy to be back! I hope everyone is doing well!
Taurus Babe aka Thorsmomma
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