I am tired of complaining, but....
I never did go to Kingston shopping today. My car does not feel right because the struts are bad. I googled whether or not it's dangerous to drive with bad struts, and it isn't as bad as I thought, but the car bounces and it is scary! It is dangerous if I hit a hole or bad bump because I could lose control, but I only went about 40 mph today, and the highways are good over here.
To make a long story short, I am not going anywhere but very local until I find another car. I will also call my mechanic tomorrow and see how much it would cost to replace the struts. If it's only a couple of hundred dollars, I am doing it!
My life is worth $200 even if it's only for a few weeks.
After the accident, I kept on looking at Max and Annie, and thought "What would happen to them if I didn't come home?" "Who would love them like I do?"
I guess I am really scared after that accident. My car is filthy because it was upside down in water. There is even caked on dirt on the inside mirror. Yuck! I am really upset. I am so unsure of myself as far as buying a car up here. It was different in NYC, and I was more confident. I was younger too!
I cleaned out the stuff that was inside the car today, and am only salvaging what I can. It is awful to see your stuff all thrown around and dirty inside your car! Tomorrow, I am going to try to get most of the dirt out. The trouble is, whatever is wet, froze.
I have to say, I was really lucky. My GPS, my sunglasses, and some papers
were all fine. My cell phone seems to have drowned, but I don't care at the moment. I never used it anyway, and I'll get another one in a bit.
There also seems to be water in the headlights, which don't seem to be working on one side.
Anyway, I guess I am more freaked out now that I see what happened and because I really need another car, and because I could have been killed! I never had that fear before. I always felt safe in my cars.
Thank God the dogs were not with me, and nobody got hurt!
Steve began to get involved in finding me a car, but I gently put him off. As much as I would love to have somebody else find me a car, and just deliver it, I think it would not be a good idea for both of us. They do keep finding places where I can find a used Subaru though.
I am rambling. I had to get that off my chest though! I am really scared after that accident. I hope it passes!!!