My city, Austin, has several foot races each year - well today we got caught (literally) in a marathon - yep, a 26 miler!!! It was a HUGE rectangle from north Austin to central Austin.
Unknowlingly, we decided to eat breakfast right in the middle of that rectangle. We drove down there before the race started, but when we tried to get home, the racers were crossing the street we needed to drive on to get home. We sat for 10 minutes, thinking they would eventually hold the racers so the traffic could pass. I don't know if they ever did that as we turned around and tried to get to another street to get home.
We might have eventually found a way out of the rectangle if we'd continued to try different side streets - but we just gave up - drove about 9 miles south and FINALLY found a street open to make it to the freeway so we could get home.
Fortunately, we were not in a hurry - but we were mightily irritated. I could not believe that they had traffic boxed in like that!!! If you were inside the race rectangle, it was not easy to get out!!!