I was wondering if any of you have ever had to deal with sexual harassment, and if you took action against it.
There's one guy I go to school with who has always been the biggest jerk. In our first year he tried to be all friendly with me, and it didn't take long for me to figure out he liked me. I told him I would be friends with him but that was IT, I was seeing someone else. We hung out and watched tv or movies once or twice a week. It wasn't long until there were rumors about us dating, but I denied them and he said he did too. Near the end of that year we were watching movies one night and he tried to tickle me, and i hate being tickled more than anything so I told him to stop. He wouldn't. I reached out my hand and tried to push his arm away but i ended up scratching him with my nail and it bled a little. He grabbed me by the wrist and said "Don't you EVER do that to me again, this is your last warning." I guess I didn't mention he's basically a body builder, and everyone has the idea that he's on steroids. I got up and walked out of his apartment right then. I didn't talk to him again for 8 months until we came back to school this January.
When school started again, he would have NOTHING to do with me. He ended up telling anyone who would listen that he slept with me and I'm a huge slut and I have diseases and stuff... and people believed him because instead of denying it last year, he STARTED the rumors. He also decided to tell our mutual friends things that I told him in confidence... that I had been raped and depressed, but he made me sound like I'm uncontrollable and crazy. He also took it out on my cousin who is one of my best friends, and from his hometown. I decided to just let it cool down, get through this year and i'll never have to see him again.
Lately, he's become so self-obsessed and ready to rip apart any girl he sees. Today he was presenting a speech on engineering ethics, but decided to change the topic. Across the board he wrote "Women in Professional Careers: NO!!!" and he did a whole big woman-bashing speil. Women are emotional. Women should stick to cheerleading and nursing. Woman can't handle work. You could tell my instructor was just FUMING inside, and the whole class kept glancing at me and the other two girls in the class. At the end he said "this is just my OPINION so you can't do anything about it." Half of the class was laughing, but I felt personally attacked.
This isn't the first time either. In one class we had to figure out water consumptions based on population and he wrote his population down as x number of MALES. The instructor caught him on that in front of the whole class and he said "Well, females aren't real people." And again, all his little friends laughed.
I am so livid right now. Should I talk to the head of the program about this? They've threatened to kick him out of school about 6 times in the past 2 years, but it always ends up just being a slap on the wrist.
I know hate is a strong word, but I feel nothing else for him.