Thread: Sexist pig
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Old 11-03-2006, 01:18 PM   #5
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I think I will just let it go. He makes me feel like dirt every day, but anyone like that just hates theirself I think. The school should be doing more about it though. He has threatened to beat up instructors, and draws little cartoon pictures of himself killing classmates, and posts them on the walls. He got talked to just a couple weeks ago because he was standing outside one instructor's office talking about how he's going to set the whole building on fire after he graduates. He just says "oh I was just joking!" and gets away with anything.
A couple weeks ago he was complaining about the course and instructors, saying how our ONE female instructor should be fired because she can't keep the class under control. He was like "we don't try to be rowdy, but when someone can't control us it just happens!" My mouth dropped open and my friend Tammy yelled at him "You're a f*cking adult, you shouldn't have to be controlled!!!" She got a dirty look but he shut up. Now he just calls her fat behind her back (she's pregnant).

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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