Lindsey.. I think you should cut all ties with this guy.. Stay away from him , he sounds like big trouble. Actually a nut job.From what you said he does have serious issues and he probably does not have any self esteem. This is a college guy that we are talking about right ?, he sounds very immature. I cannot believe that your teachers let him get away with this behavoir... By what you said he probably likes you big time and can't handle the rejection, I am not a phycologist but boy he has issues with women, big time!!.. As Pony said report it to the police , if your school is not doing anything about it. Just ignore him in class and let his gossip be just that gossip. In the future use better judgement who to confide in , it is going to be hard but as time goes along and he sees that he doesn't get the best of you, he probably will leave you alone.. Be careful hon , he is not normal.