Thread: Hi Everyone!
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Old 03-04-2010, 04:46 AM   #1
Donating 4WT Yakker
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Hi Everyone!

It's been sorta quiet in here! I've checked in everyday, but haven't had much time to post.

School is busy right now, it's about the middle of the semester, so that means things are gearing up, assignments are due, and students are getting a little stressed!

We are getting ready for accreditation by our national organization in April. We've been writing what is called a "Self-Study" for the past year. It contains EVERYTHING there is to know about us and our school. Then, for 3 days in April, we will have visitors from the accreditation organization spend time here with us looking over things and talking with faculty, students, and anyone else they want to talk with! It is a very stressful time, but we are in good shape and shouldn't have any problems!

Gary is still at the lake fishing with his aunt and uncle. I've gone down the past two weekends and will go again this weekend. I like getting away to the lake, but being gone every weekend is tough! He will likely stay through my spring break (I'll go down for the week when I am off).

Abigail has a track meet today and volleyball on the weekends. I got to see her play v-ball last weekend and I'm going to her track meet today. My Yorkie boyz are NOT happy with Gary and I for being gone so much. They are being very whiny and clingy when I am home. I don't blame them, I'm not home very much! I feel badly for them.

When you have a minute, tell us what has kept you so busy!
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