Thread: Hi Everyone!
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Old 03-05-2010, 07:56 AM   #13
Donating 4WT Yakker
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This is a good thread! Thanks Gayle for starting it! It sounds like you are really busy, but enjoying your weekends! It is good that Gary is well enough to spend time with his aunt and uncle, and fishing! Spoil the doggies....they will be just fine!

Paula, I will be praying for your health. So sorry that you are not feeling great! Hopefully, you will be just fine when spring gets here. You are smart you don't belong to fb.

Diana, the baby will keep you so busy! What is sweeter than a baby? I am keeping DaeLynn in my prayers, and hopefully she will have an easy delivery.
Sounds like Jaci wants to be very grown up, doing the wedding stuff on her own. She is such a wonderful young woman. She will turn back to you - don't worry! I can understand your feeling left out though. You raised an independent, strong child! The booth/store sounds like fun, and the 5th wheel sounds like something to look forward to!

Betsi, I just love the quilt you chose. I think grape walls and blue carpeting will be so pretty with the quilt. I like the "feminine antique" name you gave it all. Sounds like shabby chic, which is so pretty! I can't wait for pictures.

Janet, you are also so busy! Soon, it will be Spring Break, and you can relax a bit. I hope Ricky finds a job soon that meets his needs. He is such a good guy!
Sorry that Mom hasn't found the balance she needs between her meds, dialysis, and other health problems. Is she still scooting around Walmart? It is hard to rehome Fancee, but you have to do what's best. Jessie is trying to rehome the Malamutes, and is also finding it hard to let go. Steve is finding it harder though!

Facebook has taken some of our women away from us for sure. I am sorry that they have chosen fb over us. I prefer 4WT because we have a closeness that can't be beat. I share things here that I would never share on fb, and probably not with too many other people either! I do like being in touch with family, and old friends who I don't have contact with otherwise, but I also have hidden lots of stuff, like Farmville (?), Mafia Wars, etc. posts. They have good games though. I have been playing a lot of online games lately - good because they keep me off of eBay - bad because I'm online too much. I do want to stimulate my brain though, and I have heard that these games are good for that. I'll get tired of them soon, and cut back. I have been home way too much between my car being in bad shape, and the snow. I'm still looking for a car, and have decided not to settle, but to look for exactly what I want. My car can still get me around well enough. I'm trying to get an appt. with my dentist down in the city, and will just rent a car for the day when I have to go down there. Everything is pretty quiet around here. Just waiting for Spring to come. The weather this week has been lovely though., It's in the high 30's, low 40's, so a lot of the snow will melt. It will be nice to be able to take off the boots and the down coat soon.

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