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Old 03-09-2010, 05:06 AM   #1
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Sick of eye infections!

After work yesterday we were pretty busy running errands and then went out for food and drinks with a friend of Scott's who is in town. When we got home at around 8:30 I glanced in the mirror and my left eye was completely red. I took out my contacts immediately. Within about an hour I got a fever and then was awake half the night switching between putting on blankets and tossing them off... This morning it's still the same.

My optometrist said last time it seemed to be a viral infection and to stop taking the antibiotic eyedrops... it cleared up not long after that. I think I should stay home from work today and go back to a walk-in clinic to see if they can tell if it's pink eye or something else. Any bacteria or virus from pink eye shouldn't be staying alive on surfaces for a month.... so I don't think I'm catching it still from last time. Plus, I basically bleached the whole condo! So I wonder if there's something here that's causing recurring infections... I have never ever had an eye infection before this and now I can barely go a month without one.

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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