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Old 04-03-2010, 10:08 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Janet View Post
I know this is a little off topic, but what do you do with the first two bowls? Can you return them?
The first bowl was badly etched and I did try to clean it but nothing was coming off. I contacted the lady and she said that she hadn't noticed it but I nicely told her that it just wasn't useable for what I wanted and we agreed that I would return it. I did end up paying the shipping for it to go back because it took so long for me to get it back to her. She was very kind about it.

The second bowl came broken. I contacted the woman that I bought it from and she sent me her insurance papers from the post office and after I got them I went in and talked to them. The P.O. ended up keeping everything and gave me forms to fill out and mentioned that I could apply on-line. That's what I ended up doing but I didn't have pictures to turn in since I'd left everything at the P.O. I just told them that the P.O. had it and they must have contacted them because I got my check in the mail the other day.

Originally Posted by judy View Post
Who is doing the cooking and the wedding cake Diana? What about favors, etc.? I know you said that Jaci wants to do a lot herself as far as the wedding goes. Are you going to be involved in the party stuff?
Nate's mother is making the wedding cake and she and Jaci have already talked over what they're doing. As for the reception.....we have a really close friend that is now catering and he's offered to do the cooking at his cost as a wedding gift. Jaci just needs to talk to him and figure out the menu and what our part will need to be. I think that they'll cook it all and even have the side dishes so that will work out perfectly.

I've been reminding Jaci about what she needs to be doing and thinking about but I'm staying out of making any decisions. It seems to be working well but we'll see when it comes to the last minute how well she has things planned out. It's going to be really busy for the next couple of months with Jaci's birthday, graduation, graduation party, and her wedding!!! It will all work out!!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up......

After I stop laughing!!!
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