Originally Posted by lynne b
sorry Janet I know it wasn't funny at the time but the more i think about it the funnier it is. I so wish i had a vidoe camera going then LOL. I want you girls to know that i can't carry a tune for Love of God but i sang right along with Janet, I was terrified she would slm on the brakes right in the middle of the bridge, thankgoodness traffic was light so that we didn't have to stop on the bridge or i am afraid she would have jumped out of the van LOL. she kept saying she felt light headed and i kept telling her she was doing good and before she knew it she was over it. thing is it was a beautiful bridge "what i got to see of it" I would have loved to gone slower so i could see what was in the water below LOL.
Just giving you a hard time Janet, I am proud of you!!!!
Oh yeah forgot to say that Brenna is such a cutie, I GOT to hold her all the way home while Janet drove back across the bridge LOL
You guy's are funny, thank you for sharing your adventure I have a smile imagining the scenario.