Originally Posted by RLC12345678
Oh my gosh! I am addicted to chapstick. Well, actually I've been trying to wean myself off chapstick by using Vasaline. But it hasn't worked. So I think I am just HAVE to have something on my lips at all times, no matter what it is. It can be chapstick, Vasaline, lipstick, lip gloss, ANYTHING, but I have to have SOMETHING!
I also bite the inside of my lip. Ugh...my dentist said I had better stop bc it can cause cancer.
I am also a TERRIBLE procrastinator. It is bad and it is something that I really need to work on before I start school again.
It really can cause cancer?!?!

My mom tells me that, and I thought she was busting my chops!
I remember you telling me you were addicted to chapstix! I can't use that. It's too waxy! I have to have Blistex (medicated, tube kind) or else I have to go and buy it! I can last a little while with lip gloss or something if I'm desperate, but I prefer my trusty Blistex. How long have you been addicted to it? I've been using Blistex since about junior or senior year of high school!!! I'm almost 30 now!!