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Old 11-08-2006, 04:56 PM   #4
4WT 500 Club Member
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Originally Posted by BabyNicole
It really can cause cancer?!?! My mom tells me that, and I thought she was busting my chops!

I remember you telling me you were addicted to chapstix! I can't use that. It's too waxy! I have to have Blistex (medicated, tube kind) or else I have to go and buy it! I can last a little while with lip gloss or something if I'm desperate, but I prefer my trusty Blistex. How long have you been addicted to it? I've been using Blistex since about junior or senior year of high school!!! I'm almost 30 now!!

Well, not the brand Chapstick...I'm addicted to Burt's Beeswax. I've been addicted since sometime in high school when I had to use Accutane for my of the side effects is that it REALLY dries you lips out, so I started using Burt's Beeswax and have been using it ever since!

And yes, biting the inside of your lip can cause cancer. Repeated trauma to any part of your body will cause cancer. That is how you get skin cancer & lung cancer...repeated trauma from the sun or from smoking.
"To whom much is given, much is expected." ~Luke 12:48
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