Thread: Layla
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Old 06-18-2010, 01:19 PM   #213
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Layla had a fantastic day! She was the strongest the vet has ever seen her on the exercise ball and she got a lot of good movement. She walked on the underwater treadmill for 8 minutes, a new record! And she also did some sling walking, and finished with some acupuncture. She was really motivated and energetic today.

Yesterday she didn't pee for 10 hours! I kept trying to express and couldn't get anything and it was so frustrated. When I took her to the vet for laser, I asked the tech to try expressing her. After the 5 minute laser session, she tried and couldn't get her expressed either. So she called the vet in, and she tried for a few minutes and said she couldn't feel the bladder at all, so maybe she just hadn't drank much. That extra 10 minutes of time pushed our therapy session from the regular $22 to $53! I was shocked. I won't ask them for help again if they're going to charge me like that for it, when they didn't even accomplish anything anyway! I successfully expressed her a couple of hours later.

We're getting back to our normal life now. She is still in her crate most of the time, but the last couple of nights I've let her lay on the couch with me and suck on a pillow (her favorite pasttime!) and last night we even napped together. My heart isn't broken anymore. I am finding it hard to work today so I've spent most of my time researching carts for her. I think we will order one next month.

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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