Tink, that is FANTASTIC news!!!!!!!! Your son sounds SOOO much like my sister's boyfriend. He is also 20 and he has never been able to hold down a steady job or really do well in school either. He has ALWAYS LOVED cars and motors and stuff, so my sister (who is in college) talked him into going to technical school for mechanics. He also got a parttime job at Big 10 Tires changing tires and oil and working on cars. He has never been happier. No matter what it is, they will be successful as long as they are doing something they love. You should encourage your son to try technical school and work parttime like my sister's boyfriend. It only takes about 2 years to get the degree and my sister's boyfriend says that you get paid substantially more if you have it. It's worth looking into for sure!
"To whom much is given, much is expected." ~Luke 12:48