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Old 07-14-2010, 07:53 AM   #15
Donating 4WT 13K Club Member
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Our newspaper only comes out twice a week and the ad for the job at the hospital wasn't in the Thursday paper (which we get on Friday). I couldn't make it to town so I ended up e-mailing my resume in late that evening. I really would have prefered to take it in but didn't want to miss being included in their choosing.

Well, I went in to the hospital yesterday to touch base since I'd e-mailed instead to coming in and I found out that the job had already been filled. I talked to a friend of mine and she implied that I probably would have been chosen. Can we say.....Bummer!!!! She told me not to give up because some times the person they chose doesn't work out. I left my resume with her and told her that I was very interested if things don't work out. It did make me feel good that she though I would have gotten the really wanted to work there but I guess we'll see what happens. The hospital's often hiring office work so there's always next time.

I also took my resume into the bank and just dropped it off. The girl that I talked to said that they'll be choosing on Friday but the girl that's leaving isn't going until September so I'd probably have a month before I'd start working there. I guess we'll just see what happens.

I'm kinda nervous about leaving Jazzi and Reuger at home that much but Glen's in and out of the house sometimes. They can stay outside but when it's so hot I know that they don't like it. Oh well....I guess we'll figure it out.
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