Thread: Grrrr >:(
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Old 07-22-2010, 10:28 AM   #8
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Judy, we had a plastic set at my old house before I moved to the condo, and I forget whether it was fall or spring, but still cold enough that it was freezing overnight, and the table tipped over in the wind and the whole top cracked! My parents have lots of the chairs at the cabin though and they do hold up pretty well!

I was browsing on the same classified site this morning and came across a glass-top table with 6 chairs for $75. Can't beat that! They're taupe in color and the chairs are kind of weaved cloth. I wish I could copy the picture for here but they already took the ad down after we replied! We're going to look at it tonight and they'll hold it for us until we can get a truck to pcik it all up! The table has a hole for an umbrella but no umbrella comes with it. That's okay though. there's a nice big tree that shades the part of the deck where we'd put it anyway!

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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