I'm lucky I have Scott because I don't understand electronics anymore! I was just telling my parents that I feel like my dad

A few years ago, my brother wrote a list called "Watching Movies For Old People" and it had instructions on how to turn on the DVD player and put a movie in LOL! And they still have trouble!
We just bought a new tv and we went with a plasma 720p... the sales guy tried to sell us an LCD 1080p, but I did my own research and honestly can't tell the difference between 720 and 1080 so we went with what we could afford. I really liked the LED though! I think they have a longer lifespan too.
Our next electronic purchase is a computer

Scott can pick that! We need something high-end because we have both been granted permission to work from home if the need arises. Of course, we can get the biggest and best computer right now and it will basically be obsolete and not usable in a couple of years!