Thread: New TV!
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Old 07-26-2010, 07:15 AM   #5
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I agree Lindsay, there is not much difference between a 720 and 1080 - and the 720 is certainly more affordable. If I'd been the one buying/watching, that is certainly what I would have gotten. That's what we got for the trailer last year - a 32 inch 720 Vizio and I think that TV is GREAT!

I certainly didn't want to spend the money for this latest/greatest - but it is hard to say that to Gary when it is his main form of entertainment. We had some stash money, so we could pay for it, but I'd like to keep the stash rather than spend it. Gary has a slightly different perspective on life and buying things since his life span is most likely to be shortened. He's more of an "in the moment" kind of guy, and I can understand that!

it really is a great piece of equipment! Yes Lindsay, we had to write down "old folks" directions like, "To watch the DVD, push X button till it says HDMI 1" To go back to watching TV, "Push the X button till it says HDMI 2" LOL!!!!!!!
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