Thanks Gayle, I will. I hope this one has a little more thought than the last one. He basically threw up his hands and said he doesn't know what it could be. I can go online and find a million things it COULD be but I don't want to do that! I want to know for sure from a doctor exactly what it is and what will fix it. I will do anything at this point!
I'm pretty sure my eyes are dry, and not producing enough tears right now. Even when I want to cry, I can't really. I get some tears, but not much. When I am really tired and I have a big yawn, no tears. When I was that tired before, I'd usually have to wipe my eyes. I always cry at weddings, and on the weekend I felt my eyes heat up but there were no tears coming out. I am definitely going to bring that up. I also get very very itchy on the inside corners of my eyes and it doesn't go away unless I scratch the edge of my eyelid. I've also had some stuffy sinuses lately too, so I'll bring that up as well.
The most frustrating thing is that the symptoms keep changing! I didn't have sinus issues at the start of this, but I did have very red eyes with yellow discharge. There is no discharge anymore, but there is pain that wasn't there before. Before, I was wiping my eyes constantly, and now I barely tear at all.
"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe