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Old 08-11-2010, 05:58 PM   #69
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Lindsay, I think this is paternalism at its height. The doctors are not listening to you. And the more insistent you get, the more they think you are a dizzy woman. It is absolutely maddening. I have a friend who works with women with heart disease. She knows a woman who had jaw surgery, her gall bladder out, her teeth fixed, physical therapy for back pain, diagnosed with depression - all before she had her heart attack. Yep, ALL her symptoms for months were heart pain - undiagnosed because most research is done on men and doctors do not understand that the symptoms of cardiovascular disease in women is very different than men.

This is all to say that I believe you are experiencing doctors who are not listening to you. I'm so sorry and I don't know what to tell you except to keep searching for a doctor that will listen to you. There IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR EYES and you may have to shout and stomp your feet to get some help. However, you may be treated like a hysterical female - which really stinks. But remember the squeeky wheel ultimately gets some oil!
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