I called the office of the specialist I saw yesterday. I told them he found nothing wrong but there IS something wrong and I'd like to see him again without the dilating drops, and I'm not waiting 6 weeks because my eyes hurt. The soonest I can get in is September 5th.
I called the optometrist who started the referrals and her receptionist was going to call me back after talking with her. They talked and called and said I can get in on the 23rd. She said it should be able to wait that long. She can't see me again until she gets reports back from the specialists I've seen.
I am making Scott call the optometrist now. He's going to say he has the same problem as me so we're worried it's contagious and if we can't get in sooner, can we at least both see the doctor when I go in on the 23rd.
I have such a headache. I have been hiding out in the office bathroom a few times already this morning to wipe my tears. I am so stressed out.
"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe