I went to an auction. Of all things I went to look for (not having any money) was a 2005 Cadillac. It was sooo nice. I just thought it would look even better with me driving it.....

At the last auction I went to there were two nice cars and one went for $500 and the other for $1000 so I thought maybe this Cadillac would go cheap too....heck no....it went for $9000

. Needless to say.....I'm still driving my van.
I did buy an oak dresser that matches my bedroom suit and one of those battery powered scooters like you see in Wal Mart. I got it for $50. I thought maybe Mom could use it or my older brother could use it because his knees are really bad. If not...it will be my new toy for awhile..
There is another auction next Saturday that I plan on going to if it doesn't rain, it's an outside auction.