Thread: Heart Cath
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Old 09-27-2010, 06:42 PM   #1
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Heart Cath

Mike is having a heart cath Wednesday afternoon. He has been having quite a bit of chest pain lately, so his cardiologist wants to do a cath that is scheduled, and not a middle of the night emergency. It's hard to get Mike to admit that he needs a cath, because sometimes it doesn't show anything, and he feels like he's wasted the doctors time. I told him it would waste my time to plan his funeral, so I would appreciate it if he would just DO IT!!

OK, do you know how much a heart cath costs? Not including the doctor's bill, not including if he has to have a stent (or two) and has to spend the night in the hospital. Outpatient heart cath....$18,000.00
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