Originally Posted by Tink
I"m with you ladies when it comes to hormone replacements. I'm not wanting to even try them since I've heard too many scary things about it. ................In the same vein, I'd rather wait out these pesty menopause symptoms to go away on their own than to end up with cancer or something else from taking them.
I felt that way too and then I started having hot flashes and night sweats. I couldn't sleep at night because I was either throwing off covers or trying to find them to put them back on or just laying there, awake. At first it wasn't too bad and I thought "Hey, this is going to be a breeze!" After all my Mom didn't have any trouble going through the change. WRONG!!! I was extrememly grouchy...... or crying all the time. So my doctor recommended going on Prempro for a year and see how things are when I go off. She thought that it might help me get through the worst of it. We'll see!!