Thanks guys, but these remarks have not been directed towards me. Mostly it's a somewhat racist attitude that I have heard, like using the "N" word. We have a Mexican population close by too, and they are disliked, as are other groups.
I guess what I find so wrong is that racial stuff and a stubborn attitude of "I'm not giving my money (taxes) to those people." I also hear, "Well let them find a job!"
There really are no jobs up here, and what I don't get is that a lot of people who feel this way are also out of work, we have lots of single moms, sadly, disabled people, etc. I would imagine that an awful lot of them are getting government help, as they should. And yet, they do not make the connection that some of our money does have to go to help others who are really in need.
On the other hand, my friend, who does my hair, is against the health plan because her husband owns a small construction business. If he has to get health insurance for all of his workers, along with not getting a lot of work because of the economy, certainly voted Republican. She has very good reasons!
Anyway, my hope is that now that the House is Republican, and the Senate is Democratic, both parties figure out how to work together, compromise, and really fix this country! Wouldn't that be wonderful? I am going to assume that will happen, because positive thoughts can produce positive results.