Originally Posted by paula1961
Janet, I'm so glad your doggies are doing well after their surgeries. Mine did fine. My three are all spayed and neutered now too. I just couldn't do the breeding thing........didn't want to part with them lol but ya can't keep them all  I'm happy that you are thinking about doing more for yourself.
Jessica...my little girl Lucy is only 4 pounds and she did just fine with her spay. Just wanted to let you know that.. A meetup sounds so wonderful....how often do you get to ky? Maybe Lexington..just thinking out loud I guess. 
Originally Posted by Janet
Yes, Jessica....my Brenna is only 3 lbs 7 ozs and she did great!
My little girl is just so skinny. If she was small and chubby I probably be ok. I will have her spay even if it kills me