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Old 11-26-2010, 05:53 AM   #190
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Ordering dinner sounds like a great idea Gayle. I would also have to make the crockpot dressing because we love it so much. I may have to think about that next year.

Lindsey...that is awful, with all the time you put in for them to turn you down. Did they just turn you down for the time frame you're wanting or turned you down for any time off?

We had the best dinner...I really did good this year...not to brag...but from someone who doesn't like to cook, I do enjoy making Thanksgiving dinner except it's so exhausting.

Rick has been having some pain in his lower back on the left side. He was up and down and couldn't get comfortable. The more he ate at Thanksgiving the more it hurt and he's had to sleep on the floor, (what sleep he could get) for the last two nights. Well, it hurt so bad around 4 PM yesterday that I told him he really should go to the ER. Turns out he does not have a kidney stone, they did a cat scan, but he does have a really bad kidney infection. The gave him meds for pain, inflamation and an antibiotic. After about 4 hours...we were able to come home.

He's feeling better this morning and went to work.

Not sure what I'm going to do today...but I'm not going to fight the crowds at the stores...
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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