Thread: Lynne!
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Old 11-30-2010, 02:37 PM   #27
lynne b
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Oh Thanks Gayle, here i was scared to death i was having a heart attack and now you don't want me to be scared about this LOL, just kidding you.

But no they didn't check for that.

Not sure if i had mentioned it or not but my leg has been killing me for about the past month, i went to the Dr for that and he wanted to start with the predisone and Tramadol, well that did not work, it's still hurting. The ER Dr did look at my leg to see if he thought there might be a clot and he did not think so. I do have an MRI scheduled but it's not till the 22nd, not sure i can hold out that long.

As for the chest pain, my Dr said to try the Previcide, so i started it today, i did not realize it was a 14 day pack every 4 months, i don't understand how it continues to work for the 4 months. I also scheduled a stress test, but not sure if i will keep that app or not, the ER Dr and my Dr were both pretty sure it was not my heart, so why go through that, it also is not till the 22nd. I am thinking it is more of a gastrol ?, not sure i could make it through the stress test with my leg any ways.

I did go back to work today and other than being tired and my leg hurting, i'm ok.

I'm eating light and smaller portions so as not to fill myself up, but hubby is getting on me about my weight, he says i am skin and bones and don't look healthy. I know i am exerting more energy just walking and just like before my back surgery i lost so much weight.

Good gosh i am such a mess, i've never been like this before and i am not liking it at all. Only a couple of more days and the puppies will be in their new homes, so that will be one less thing i have to dael with, as much as i will miss them, they have been good babies.
Ok i will stop complaining now.
'I try to take one day at a time -- but sometimes several days attack me at once.'
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