Thread: roses
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Old 12-05-2010, 03:21 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by gja1000 View Post
Yep, they are still blooming here in Texas - we haven't had a freeze here in town yet!

OK, the trick to roses, is the roses you buy. If you want to have roses, you need to buy an antique rose - they are bullet proof. See, the new roses are hybrids, and they are much more fragile and difficult to care for. Go to a local nursery and you will find antique roses - you can't get the at Home Depot or Walmart. Oh, the Knockout roses are pretty easy to grow too. Be sure to look at the picture of the antique roses - because since they are very old, sometimes the blooms are not as pretty as the new hybrid one. But many of the old ones have really pretty blooms, but not all have pretty blooms.

Also, the soil and fertilizer you use for roses makes a difference. If you plant in the ground, you should work in some soil that is made especially for roses - and if you pot them, then you should use all rose soil. Again, the local nurseries will have bags of rose soil. You should use an organic fertilizer that is made for blooming plants. That will really help. Make sure it is organic, and do not use a chemical fertilizer like Miracle Gro or anything like that. It will deplete the soil and ultimately do more harm than good.
Wow so much to learn
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