Thread: I'm Back!
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Old 12-15-2010, 07:48 PM   #1
Donating 4WT 500 Club Member
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I'm Back!

Hi to all!

I am back ! I have some free time on my hands not working much this holiday season and I do miss everyone..I have been MIA for a long time and I want to catch up. I see some on FB but its not the same there its getting old.. I do play FV and thats boring lately to. I have much catching up to do here. Give me a few days lol. I hope everyone is doing well and I am sure everyone is running around Christmas shopping and baking cookies etc. I will start my baking next week. I have not finished my shopping hopefully tomorrow. Let me know how everyone is doing?

Like our friend Marilyn would say with her Texas drawl I miss ya all!!!
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