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Old 11-15-2006, 06:35 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Carolyn
Yeah what does everyone eat on Thanksgiving! We usually have an antipasto, lasagna, of course the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, turnips, stuffed mushrooms, a few veggies like carrots with brown sugar, brussel sprouts, cranberry sauce (yuck), and for dessert I make a cheesecake, cookies and a cake the kids like. Of course all this is consumed with Pinot Grigio wine, beer and for dessert expresso with Sambuca! I know I'm leaving something out but I can't remember since I'm thinking about the wine, beer and Sambuca!!
OMG Carolyn have a traditional italian There was no lasagna back in the I am italian to, but this is the one holiday that I don't serve the antipasto or lasagna. I make a delicious chicken soup I do put in , then we have the turkey and all the side dishes. I make mashed potatoes,with bacon ,sweet potato pie, in which I will write the receipe later on its awesome. All the veggie side dishes, stuffed mushrooms, cranberry sauce and everyone brings the wine and desserts. I am a Pinot Grigio lover This year I have been invited out...Happy Thanksgiving you
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