Brazilian Model Dies
I guess everyone has heard by now that the beautiful Brazlian model, Ana Carolina Reston has died from being aneorixic. This is truly so sad, the media today and the modeling industry make it so difficult for these young girls today. I don't know if anyone watched Dr. Phil yesterday with the two women who are 60lbs. They are sketon bones, we in our society go from one extreme to the other. Where obseity is not any better.
My daughter modeled as a child, and wanted to pursue it when she was older, she is 5ft 8 and everytime we would go on an interview they would tell her she needs to lose 10 pds.. It pissed me off so much cause my daughter was far from fat. Thank God she is busy with school and earning her degree she no longer has desires to model. I had problems with her in high school she never really would eat meals with the family and she lost weight. She is away now so I can't keep and eye on her, but when she is home she eats. This worries me so much. Has anyone had any experiences with eating disorders and what are you feelings on this subject?