Thread: Eyebrows
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Old 04-14-2011, 10:02 AM   #1
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I have never had much eyebrows since I had a camping lantern blow up in my face when I was about 13 or 14 years old. What does grow out is scarce, really stiff or curly... So I usually use an eyebrow pencil or brush. I have been thinking of getting them tattooed, but don't know if I'll like it or the pain.

I know an older lady who had hers tatooed on many years ago and now they have turned a bit green

It's just that when I do use something, if I get hot and comes off. Not sure what I can do. I think there is suppose to be some waterproof and I did price one kind at Merle Norman, but wowsa!!!! Something like $35-$40 and it's not very much of the product. question any of you know what's out there that maybe I could try?
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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