Originally Posted by Janet
I have never had much eyebrows since I had a camping lantern blow up in my face when I was about 13 or 14 years old. What does grow out is scarce, really stiff or curly...  So I usually use an eyebrow pencil or brush. I have been thinking of getting them tattooed, but don't know if I'll like it or the pain.
I know an older lady who had hers tatooed on many years ago and now they have turned a bit green colored..lol.
It's just that when I do use something, if I get hot and sweaty....it comes off. Not sure what I can do. I think there is suppose to be some waterproof and I did price one kind at Merle Norman, but wowsa!!!! Something like $35-$40 and it's not very much of the product.
So...my question is....do any of you know what's out there that maybe I could try?
I will just say for tattoos, unless you're really tolerant of pain, I would probably avoid it. I have tattoos in other places and couldn't imagine that on my face

And they do fade over time and would probably need to be touched up if you spend time in the sun without strong sunscreen. I knew one girl in a class in college who always had perfect eyeliner, and after talking with her I realized it's because she had it tattooed on. She said her eyes were swollen shut for days and it was the worst pain you could imagine

It looked good, but I don't think I could handle the pain! And of course, if you don't like how it looks, you're stuck with it forever.
I just did a search and found this on Sephora:
It has a lot of great reviews and is only $19