Thread: Tattoos!
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Old 11-19-2006, 09:06 PM   #5
Donating 4WT 2000 Club Member
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That's a nice tatoo for a lower back one. I like the butterfly instead of a strickly tribal design, and it has significance for you. It's very mature of you to think ahead to your wedding. I know a very young lady who got a tatoo between her shoulder blades when she was about 18. For her I believe it was because she was a really nice girl, and she wanted to be just a little bit rebellious without going crazy. I let my daughters have cartlidge piercings and purple stripes in their hair for the same reason. Any way, a couple of years later this young lady had a big church wedding, and had heavy makeup applied to cover the tatoo. She was really wishing she didn't have it that day. The makeup covered pretty well, but those of us who knew it was there could definitely tell.

I did see a lady who had a small lady bug that was on top of her foot, kinda to the side. It looked almost real, and was actually kinda cute.
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