Originally Posted by BabyNicole
My mom is going to "get" me this for Christmas!!!  My sister had it done a few months ago and sees 20/20 now. Anyone have this done? Or know someone who has?
Background info: I'm almost 30, and have been wearing glasses since I was about 5 or 6. I wear glasses and contacts now, and am sick and tired of the hassle.  I just want real vision!!
I too wore glasses since the 1st grade! Then went to contacts when I got older. I had very BAD eyes and I had it done. It was the BESt thing I've ever done and would do it again in an instant! To be able to look over and just see the alarm clock in the morning or to see what I'm washing in the shower is amazing ! Its been 7 years now since I've had it. I LOVE IT!!!
Good luck and ENJOY !!!!