What Would Make Him Do This???
This morning I needed to go to the bathroom. Well instead of going to mine, I just used the boys bathroom. A little graphic here but, while sitting I saw a line in the linoleum. I reached down and there was a cut about 8-10 inches long.
I talked to my son and he finally confessed he did it.....with a pocket knife!!! Can you believe that?? I asked him why and he said he didn't know. I said he had to have a reason...why did he slice it with a pocket knife. He still "didn't know."
I am so angry right now. It's not very noticeable, because of the pattern in the linoleum, but what would make a 15 year old boy do something like that?
He's with his Dad right now, they had some errands and I needed time to cool down. I've decided he is grounded from playing video games until I feel ready to let him play them again. I also will make him pay at least half to have it replaced when the time comes. I don't have the money to just go get new linoleum whenever I feel like it. I am just so angry!!!!! He is a wonderful son...never did anything like this before....I don't get it...but he better come up with some kind of reason or he'll never get his game system back.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1