Thread: Tattoos!
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Old 11-27-2006, 10:02 PM   #21
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Lindsey
I agree that it should be something with meaning. My first tattoo I got a year after high school... I had moved out on my own, completed my first year of college, and learned so much about myself. I felt I had learned to spread my wings for the first time, so I got a butterfly to symbolize that time in my life.
I also don't want to put a tattoo anywhere noticeable. The one I have now is on my lower back, sometimes I forget I even have it! I love being girly, and I would like to look classy when I'm wearing a dress and heels. And I still need to get married, and I don't want a tattoo sticking out of my wedding dress!
Here's a picture of the one I have now:
I love it. I have a butterfly on my lower back too. I want to make mine a bit more whispy like yours, but I've heard tatoo artists don't like to mess with another one's work. Then I want to add vines or something and somewhere incorporate 2 little butterflies or something to represent my girsl.

I've also recently considered getting little paw prints on my ankle.

Lastly, I've always loved the thought of a butterfly on my foot, but have always decided against it for work purposes.

I got my first tatoo at 32 after my divorce. I always wanted one but he said I wasn't the type and was totally against it.
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