Thanks guys! I just asked my brother to make sure, and yes, I did leave a shirt with him for his fiance when we got back from our trip, and she was away when we visited them. I never even got a thanks for it. I don't really expect to hear anything from her when she receives these presents either.
Judy, I think a bottle of wine is a great idea. I agree with Diana, you should see if you can add her to your plan!
Diana, I never buy gifts that early either! We started buying things for people as souveneirs but we kept seeing more things we wanted to get, and figured we'd give each person one or two things when we got home, and save the best things for Christmas presents. Except my mom, I couldn't save her best gift! She is Catholic, and I bought her rosary beads at the Vatican and had them blessed by a priest and delivered to our hotel later that evening. I gave her that as soon as we got home. I couldn't keep it a secret!
"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe