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Old 12-11-2011, 05:21 PM   #15
Donating 4WT Yakker
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I wrapped all my gifts today and I realize I need a few more stocking stuffers for Gary, Bryan, Emma and Abigail. I'll probably hit Big Lots for that stuff. Oh and Gary's sisters do stockings with mostly gag gifts when we go up after Christmas so we got lots of fishing stuff today for their stockings (all his sisters and their husbands love to fish). I need to get a few more little things for their stockings too, but I can do that at Big Lots too, or Dollar General.

I may not go to school tomorrow - I don't have any appointments and I have a few more papers to grade so I can do that here. So, maybe I can wrap up the stocking stuffers tomorrow too! That would be nice.
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