The funeral is tomorrow and Damon can get out of jail for 6 hours to attend. I'm glad because he's going to need that closure.
It's been hard on everyone. They are not a family that gets along very well and they have a lot of hurt feelings. Some things have been said to hurt Dae Lynn. She realizes that it's their way of dealing with what's going on but she's tried her best to help out this family. She finally had to step back and just let them deal with things without her. I think that having Damon by her side for the funeral will be helpful......for both of them.
Karlie's doing well now with her Grandma's death. The first night after Dae Lynn and the kids had been in bed for a while I heard a noise. When I checked it out it was Karlie crying. She was scared that she would die in her sleep because she had heard us talking about her Grandma dying. I crawled in bed with her and reassured her that she was going to live a long and healthy long as she didn't drink things that were bad for her and took care of herself. She didn't know that her Grandma also had a bad heart so I let her know that she had been very sick but we didn't tell her because we didn't want her to worry. Since then she seems to be handling things well. Tomorrow will be hard with everyone crying around her.