Thread: Public Schools
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Old 01-06-2012, 04:53 PM   #1
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Public Schools

I don't know if I'm being over protective or what but public schools are getting on my nerves. I get calls because my boy forgot to put his belt on. But I get a note saying he hasn't been turning in his homework (and I had to go digging for that note). I also get called from the principle office because my boy made a girl cried because he didn't want to speak to her ( i don't believe in making my boys hang out with people they don't want to hang out with).

And then today I get a pink slip from my oldest saying his assign SAC (like detention but during class time) for not attending detention. I pick him up from detention so how can they tell me he wasn't there. He told me that he didn't know he was suppose to sign in and out since it was his 1st time and no one told him. He got detention because he forgot his ID at home and he did call me from grandmas so I can give him his ID but I was already on my way to work. Even if I was home I don't see why I should drive to drop his ID. I knew they were going to scold him or take points off or things like that to punish them. I thought detention was too big of punishment for forgetting his ID ONCE but ok so be it. But then to take him off class because someone forgot to informed new people in detention to sign in is just ridiculous. I wrote them a letter saying I do not approve of my boy attending SAC when I know he attended detention. And if they want me to sign the pink slip to resend me one saying his attending SAC for not signing in at detention.

I will likely go up their and have a talk with them but I want to know from your point off view, am I wrong? No wonder my kids dread going to school. I want them to learn not be treated like if their in bootcamp. How can they learn when their treated like robots and not like individuals.
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