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Old 01-15-2012, 07:11 PM   #1
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My Baby Wants To Move Out

My little boy has informed me that he is really wanting to move out and in with one of his good friends. His friend Chris and he held their Eagle ceremony together and are really good friends. Chris bought a house just a couple miles from us and has asked Rick to share the place.

Not sure how I feel about it, still in shock mostly. Chris has been asking him since last summer. I asked Ricky if he really wanted to leave his Mom (lolol) and he said "Mom, I've got to leave sometime." So now the discussion will have to take place....the dreaded finance discussion. First off, even though he is considered management, he still is not considered full-time. He has two school loans to pay off, his cell phone, truck insurance and whatever expenses for that, plus he'll probably have to pay have the living expenses with Chris (they haven't really discussed that much yet). To top it off, Ricky is covered under my health insurance, so I'll have to find out if he will still be covered and not living here.

I guess if it all comes together, he'll be moving. I just can't see him being able to afford it...guess we'll find out.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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